The Bonso Group values the balance between business, environment and our employees. In order to maintain this balance, we ensure that products are manufactured in a way that preserves the environment for future generations, provides all employees a safe and healthy workplace, and will continue to maintain competitiveness in the marketplace.
The Bonso Group is committed to the goals stated above by adhering to the following principles:
Compliance to Legal Requirements
Bonso will comply with the local laws applicable to the company; environmental and safety regulations.
Promotion of Awareness
Bonso will communicate with all employees, suppliers and customers to develop an awareness of issues related to environmental and occupational safety. Bonso will also motivate employees to take personal responsibility for protecting the environment and maintaining a safe workplace.
Environmental Preservation
Bonso will reduce the environmental impact of operations by conserving natural resources, striving to eliminate pollution, emissions & use of hazardous materials, and by reusing and recycling materials and managing our energy consumption.
Continual Improvement
Bonso will strive to continuously improve on environmental and occupational safety by implementing and maintaining an integrated Environmental, Health and Occupational Safety (EHS) management system.
The Bonso Group will regularly review and attempt to improve this policy and related objectives. We will communicate with our employees, and share our knowledge of environmental management practices, health and occupational safety with the public at large.